Monday, November 30, 2009

Homework and Stuff!

Welcome back students! I hope you had a wonderful Turkey Week!

Homework for tonight
Reading/Language Arts-Practice workbook page 73 and 76
Math-Investigations page 57-58. We will start on page 57 in class and the students will have to finish the rest for homework. This homework involves building multiple towers, which is a review from our previous lessons.
Writing prompt for the week is - Paul Bunyan is an extraordinary character. Think about what you have read about him. Then write a descriptive essay that describes his traits and abilities. Make sure that your grammar and spelling are correct. Would like to see three organized paragraphs and colorful, descriptive visual words.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a great time today watching the movie "Squanto", eating lunch in the classroom, and playing games. But, what topped my day off so beautifully is when I found a Thank You letter from one of my students, Emily! Thank you sweetie and I really appreciate it! To all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
P.S.- Make sure you check out the blog throughout the week for daily updates on my family's trip to New Jersey.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Christmas is coming!


Christmas is right around the corner, and we need a Christmas tree! If you have an extra tree at home and would like to let us borrow it, I would be truly appreciative.
I also plan on having the students do a cool project for Christmas that involves giving you a Christmas gift. This plan is still in the making so I will give you an update about this.
If you plan on giving me something for Christmas (sorry that I am assuming that you are going to get me something, but this has been my experience from the past) please buy our classroom some board games. We are in desperate need of them. I would appreciate this gift just the same as any other. I will be sending out a newsletter in the beginning of December outlining our activities for the month. Be safe and have a good evening.
Thanks for all you do.

Go Turkey!

Yesterday, the students colored pictures of a turkey. I asked them to use their imagination, and they went for it! Go students!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Few Thoughts

Can't wait to see the movies tomorrow. We should be leaving around 8:45 and our expected return is 12:00. Students may bring money to buy extra snacks.

Math homework is pwb page 51
Students, please read your library books tonight and be ready to take A.R. test tomorrow after lunch.

Don't forget to bring some candy corns and pumking corns (I think that's what they are called). :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

A Few Things!

Dear Parents and Students,
Our 5th grade play will be tomorrow at 6:00pm. We will meet in my classroom.
If you are in the play, please practice your singing parts and moves for the play tomorrow.
Math Homework- Math green textbook pages 207: 1-24/ 208: 1-4/ 209: 5-25,27

Please copy down the vocabulary/spelling words for this week on the right side.

Sorry about the progress reports. Computers' STI software was down last Friday and today. Hopefully, it will be up and running tomorrow.
Don't forget to send in yearbook money.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

This Is How Many 25's Make My Height

The students did a great job in building their multiple towers of 35. Take a look! They even built a multiple tower of 25 to make my Height (8,075 WOW!). Guess how many 25's make my height? Keep in mind that I am 6 feet tall!
Homework for tonight!
Math- Investigations notebook page 54
Science- Answer this question- What is the difference between a comet and an asteroid?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Class Questions

The class holds the belief that men have more ribs than women. According to recent research, both me and women have 12 pairs of ribs. Thanks Nick for clarifying that for us. :)

Math Homework 11/10

Math Students will have to create a multiple tower of 35 using the copy paper that was given to them at the end of class. This tower must be the height of the student. Make sure you use tape to tape your pieces of paper together. This should be fun for our short break. See you on Thursday.
There is no homework for any other subject.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Whats going on in Math!


Students learned how to illustrate division problems using pictures and cubes.

Homework 11/9

Math- Students will choose a number to build a multiple tower. For example, if they choose 4, then they will write the number 4 on the bottom of their page and write all the multiples of 4 until they get to the top of the page.

Language/Reading- write one sentence for each vocabulary word. The words are located in the left column.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Outstanding Projects!

I just have to say that I was really impressed with all of the students' projects that were turned in last Friday. Parents, you did an outstanding job in helping your child's project to become a work of art. What I liked most about the projects is that each and every one of them posed their own unique style for illustrating the body system. I will post pictures of the projects after school today so that you may take a look at everyone beautiful work of art.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Few Thoughts

The fifth grade classes will be going on a field trip on Thursday, November 19 to Hollywood 16 to see a showing of "A Christmas Carol!" The movie is rated PG for scary sequences and images. The cost per child is $15.00, which includes the bus, movie tickets, popcorn, and a soda. Due to limited space, parents will not be able to join us. Please return your attached permission form and money by Friday, November 13.
Internal Organ Play
The fifth grade team is asking for the students to come to the play dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans. Please have your child here at the school in their homeroom by 6 P.M. on Tuesday, November 17th, the night of our performance. Thanks.
The yearbook cost $30.00 each and is due by November 20th. If you would like to have a personal ad, a full page cost $150.00, 1/2 page $75.00, and a 1/4 page cost $45.00. We will take buddy ad photos at the school on December 11th. Yearbook purchase forms will be sent home tomorrow.
Thanks Giving Lunch
You are invited to eat with your child on Wednesday, November 9th. Visitors' lunch will cost $3.25. Our class will be eating from 12.00-12:25. A form has already been sent home. Please return it by Friday, November 13th.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Grading Criteria for Science Projects

Hello Students,
Make sure you take a look at how I will be grading your science reports and projects. Note: SO that you will have enough time to put the finishing touches on your project and report, I will not assign homework for Thursday night. :)
Science Project Presentation
Point of interests
Possible pts
Points earned
Clear Speaking
Knowledge of the Human system Studied
Answering two questions from the audience
Science Human body system Project Rubric
Point of interest
Possible pts
Total pts.



Science Human System Report Rubric
1 or more pages
Front Cover
With indentations
Spelling, word usage, sentence variety.
Total Points
You have earned


What's Happening?

Hey Parents and Students,

Please remember that our science project is due this Friday. Some students have already brought their project in early. Take a look at how Cameron Simon illustrated the Endocrine System by using pipe cleaners, play dough for the kidneys, cotton for the pancreas, and a plastic brain for the pineal, hypothalamus, and pituitary glands.
Lauren Beatty represented the Circulatory system (named Bob) by using Christmas Tree Lights. WOW! When we light it up, you can distinctly see the color blue for the veins and the red for the arteries.

Both projects are AWESOME! Excellent Work, students. :) I am very proud of you!

Monday, November 2, 2009

This week's writing prompt due 11/9

Students will have to write an expository essay that compares and contrast the work of a marine biologist to another profession such as a teacher, bus driver, lawyer, etc.

I would like for students to present their essay in three to five paragraphs using indentations and transitional words such as similar, therefore, however, first, next, final, although, etc. You will have to make a venn diagram that visually compares and contrast your two thoughts. Please use the example of the venn diagram featured on this post for an idea. The information comparing the British market to the German market are just titles that show you how to set it up. Please be neat, make sure that your essay's ideas flow, use those everyday daily oral language skills that we practice for I will deduct points off for repeated mistakes.

Homework for tonight

Math Investigation workbook page 47
Language/Reading- Practice workbook pages 69, 72
Don't forget that the science project is due this Friday! Make sure that you are already working on your project. Please don't let time catch up with you.

Dr. Moore Pays a Visit!

Hello Parents,

My very own personal friend, Dr. Moore, came to visit our class last Friday. She taught the students how to become true detectives of medical problems through first analyzing the patients' chief complaints. Next, the medical detective asked a series of questions about the patients' medical history. She states that this is really important when trying to figure out if this is an existing problem or if this problem is a result of the patients' life style. Finally, the doctor writes a list of possible illnesses that the patient could be suffering from. Because she is a family doctor, she can refer her patients to other specialist to further the investigation by using their specialized tools. Dr. Moore and all the other specialist are a team of detectives that work together to solve a medical problem

Vocabulary Words 9/28

Vocabulary Words 9/27
Fret- When you fret about something, you keep thinking and worrying about it.

Assured- If someone assured you of something, her or she has said words to make you feel postive that things will be all right.

Nudged- If you nudged a person or thing, you pushed it or poked it gently.

Outlandish- If something is outlandish, it is bizzare, strange, and unusual.

Ruckus- To raise a ruckus is to make a lot of noise and fuss about something.

Proclaimed- If you have announced something to a group of people, you have proclaimed it.

Spelling Words 9/28

Spelling Words 9/27
suppose, hurricane, ballad, bellow, success, appeal, announcer, tissue, excellent, terrific, collect, slippery, common, arrange, suffer, follow, kennel, squirrel, message, and summary

Spelling Words 9/21


Vocabulary Words 9/21

Wistful- You are wistful if you feel as though your wishes probably won't come true.

Grateful- To be grateful is to feel thankful for someone or something

Grim- If something looks grim, it appears serious and forbidding.

Raspy- A raspy noise sounds rough and harsh, like sandpaper scraping wood.

Swarmed- If animals have swarmed, they have moved quickly and gathered in large numbers.

Revelers- Revelers are people who are having fun at a lively party or celebration.

Irresistible- Something that is irresistible is difficult ot turn away from.

Spelling Words 9/07

Talked, hurried, smiling, dropped, clapping, stepped, worried, worrying , changing, stayed, buying, dried, picnicking, scared, driving, obeyed, playing, tried, carried, hurrying

Vocabulary Words for 9/07

Relented- Someone who relented has agreed to something he or she once refused
Faze- If thing faze you, they bother or confuse you.
Eccentric- An eccentric person has habits or opinions that seem odd to other people
Infuriated- Something that infuriated you made you feel extremely angry
Disheartened- If you are disheartened, you feel disappointed and less hopeful
Impassable- A road or path that is impassable is impossible to travel on
Crusaded- A person who has crusaded has worked hard to make a change based on his or her beliefs

Spelling Words 8/30

Counter, fraud, oyster, appoint, drawn, awning ,laundry, feud, shawl, jewel, royalty, powder, annoying, cashew, scoop, bamboo, browse, ointment, rooster, rescue

Which sentence shows evidence of historical fiction?