Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Vocabulary Words for this Friday's Test

Vocabulary Words Week 4-12-10
1. Cephalopod- Any mollusk having tentacles attached to the head, including the cuttlefish, squid, and octopus.
2. Coconut Octopus- Size of a lemon. Feeds on shellfish. Will hide anything including clamshells, coconut shells and old tin cans. When angry it puffs its self up and turns purple. (Lives Tropical Indian and West Pacific Oceans. (Lives- Tropical Indian and West Pacific Oceans. Depths of up to 590ft)
3. Blue-ringed Octopus- One of the most deadly creatures in the world. Four of theses species have been known to cause human deaths. Their saliva contains strong nerve poison that they use to paralyze crabs. There is no known antidote to their venom. (Lives- Australia to Japan. Depths up to 650 ft)
4. Mimic Octopus-lives in black sand plains in shallow waters. Has an amazing ability to change shape and color to look like other poisonous animals, such as banded snakes, flatfish, lion fish, stingrays, or jellyfish. It decides which animal to mimic based on which predator is nearby. (Live Papua New Guinea to the Red Sea. Depth up to 160ft)
5. Sand Octopus- Long thin body about the size of a thumb. During the day it buries under the sand, and makes a chimney through the sand to the surface so it can suck in water to breathe. It uses slime to hold the chimney together. At night it hunts for crabs, shrimp, and worms. (Live Southern Australia. Depth up to 160ft)
6. Day Octopus-Has skin that can be raised so it can look like coral or weed. Feeds on lobsters, crabs and fish and its home can be identified by the scattering of empty crab shells around the entrance. It can run along the sea floor using two of its arms lie legs. This way it does not look like a regular octopus, so can slip past its predators.( live in the Indian and Pacific. Depths of up to 650ft)
7. Striped Pajama Squid- Looks like a golf ball with stripes. Hides in the sand during the day, and comes out at night to hunt shrimp, crabs, and fish. When buried, the little fingers of skin above its eyes stop sand from falling into its gills. Its striped pattern warns fish that it is horrible to eat. If attacked, it squirts poisonous slime from glands under its body. (Live Australia to Papa New Guinea. Depth- up to 820ft)
8. Giant Cuttlefish-Males have long arms that look like flags. They stretch them out during color changing competitions. They are the largest cuttlefish species in the world and grow up to three feet long. Like all cuttlefish, they have a white chalky cuttlebone inside their bodies to help them float. Birds love eating and sharpening their beaks on cuttlebones. (Live- Australia. Depth- up to 330ft)
9. Broadclub Cuttlefish-Amazing at color change. It hunts by slowly swimming towards small shrimp and fish, while flashing zebra stripes up and down its arms- almost hypnotizing its prey before shooting high-speed tentacles out to grab them. It can hide from attackers by changing shape to look like a mangrove leaf. If shown a mirror, males will fight their reflection. (Live Australia to Fiji and Japan. Depth- up to 160 ft)
10. Chambered Nautilus-These types have been swimming in our oceans for 500 million years. Once, they reached 10 feet in diameter, and swam around sucking up trilobites and shellfish. Today only size small species exist, hiding on the deep, dark sides of coral reefs. They rise at night to hunt hermit crabs and eat dead animals. (Live- Tropical Indo-Pacific. Depth 160ft-2100ft)
11. Argonaut-Also called nautiluses; these octopuses spend their lives swimming around the blue water of the open ocean, never touching the sea floor. The females can grow up to 12 inches long, and make beautiful thin white shells in which to lay their eggs. If threatened, they will use the spike on their shell to ram predators in the nose. The males are less than an inch long and have no shells. (Live-Tropical and cool oceans around the world. Depth- 650 ft)
12. Species- A group of related animals or plants that can breed among themselves.

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Vocabulary Words 9/28

Vocabulary Words 9/27
Fret- When you fret about something, you keep thinking and worrying about it.

Assured- If someone assured you of something, her or she has said words to make you feel postive that things will be all right.

Nudged- If you nudged a person or thing, you pushed it or poked it gently.

Outlandish- If something is outlandish, it is bizzare, strange, and unusual.

Ruckus- To raise a ruckus is to make a lot of noise and fuss about something.

Proclaimed- If you have announced something to a group of people, you have proclaimed it.

Spelling Words 9/28

Spelling Words 9/27
suppose, hurricane, ballad, bellow, success, appeal, announcer, tissue, excellent, terrific, collect, slippery, common, arrange, suffer, follow, kennel, squirrel, message, and summary

Spelling Words 9/21


Vocabulary Words 9/21

Wistful- You are wistful if you feel as though your wishes probably won't come true.

Grateful- To be grateful is to feel thankful for someone or something

Grim- If something looks grim, it appears serious and forbidding.

Raspy- A raspy noise sounds rough and harsh, like sandpaper scraping wood.

Swarmed- If animals have swarmed, they have moved quickly and gathered in large numbers.

Revelers- Revelers are people who are having fun at a lively party or celebration.

Irresistible- Something that is irresistible is difficult ot turn away from.

Spelling Words 9/07

Talked, hurried, smiling, dropped, clapping, stepped, worried, worrying , changing, stayed, buying, dried, picnicking, scared, driving, obeyed, playing, tried, carried, hurrying

Vocabulary Words for 9/07

Relented- Someone who relented has agreed to something he or she once refused
Faze- If thing faze you, they bother or confuse you.
Eccentric- An eccentric person has habits or opinions that seem odd to other people
Infuriated- Something that infuriated you made you feel extremely angry
Disheartened- If you are disheartened, you feel disappointed and less hopeful
Impassable- A road or path that is impassable is impossible to travel on
Crusaded- A person who has crusaded has worked hard to make a change based on his or her beliefs

Spelling Words 8/30

Counter, fraud, oyster, appoint, drawn, awning ,laundry, feud, shawl, jewel, royalty, powder, annoying, cashew, scoop, bamboo, browse, ointment, rooster, rescue

Which sentence shows evidence of historical fiction?