Thursday, April 8, 2010


Hi Parents and Students,
There will be no homework for tonight.
The April's newsletter went home today and I will provide a copy of it at the bottom of this post.
Math- this week we have been studying polyhedrons and polygons using shape. We also have be working with tessellations.
Reading- We are reading "The Watsons Go to Birmingham"
If you have any cross sections of tree stumps or trunks, I would greatly appreciate it if you would let me borrow a few! I would like to do a lesson on how long trees can live.
Hat Day tomorrow, so bring a dollar if you want to wear your hat.

Dear Parents,
I am sure glad that testing is over!
We are in our first week of April, and I would like to share with you some important events that will be taking place this month.
The book fair started today and will end next Tuesday. If you would like to stop by anytime during school hours to make purchases or maybe even purchase a book from my wish list, you may do so 
Our class will be going to the book fair on the following dates: 4/8 @2:00, 4/12 @8:00, and 4/13 @1:40. You may send money to school with your child so that they may purchase a book.
The following are random dates of information that you may find helpful to know:
• 4/9 hat day bring $1.00
• 4/23 Progress Reports
• 4/9 Relay for life T-shirt order forms due
• 4/28 UA Trip $15 due 4/16
• 5/24, 5/25 5th Grade Fun Day and Recognition Ceremony $20 Due 4/16
• 5/1 Relay For Life

• 5/21 Talent Show
• 4/9 Year book Signing will be after Wee-Tv

The students are doing an excellent job in meeting their last A.R. Goal for the year. As of right now the A.R. deadline is 5/20

Reading logs are due every two weeks. The next reading log is due 4/12. This is from weeks 4/5-4/16.

We are reading “The Watson’s Go to Birmingham” this week.

Please be sure to send your child to school with a snack each day.

I would like to personally thank all the parents who bought drinks and snacks during testing time.

Thank you for all that you do for your child and my student!

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Vocabulary Words 9/28

Vocabulary Words 9/27
Fret- When you fret about something, you keep thinking and worrying about it.

Assured- If someone assured you of something, her or she has said words to make you feel postive that things will be all right.

Nudged- If you nudged a person or thing, you pushed it or poked it gently.

Outlandish- If something is outlandish, it is bizzare, strange, and unusual.

Ruckus- To raise a ruckus is to make a lot of noise and fuss about something.

Proclaimed- If you have announced something to a group of people, you have proclaimed it.

Spelling Words 9/28

Spelling Words 9/27
suppose, hurricane, ballad, bellow, success, appeal, announcer, tissue, excellent, terrific, collect, slippery, common, arrange, suffer, follow, kennel, squirrel, message, and summary

Spelling Words 9/21


Vocabulary Words 9/21

Wistful- You are wistful if you feel as though your wishes probably won't come true.

Grateful- To be grateful is to feel thankful for someone or something

Grim- If something looks grim, it appears serious and forbidding.

Raspy- A raspy noise sounds rough and harsh, like sandpaper scraping wood.

Swarmed- If animals have swarmed, they have moved quickly and gathered in large numbers.

Revelers- Revelers are people who are having fun at a lively party or celebration.

Irresistible- Something that is irresistible is difficult ot turn away from.

Spelling Words 9/07

Talked, hurried, smiling, dropped, clapping, stepped, worried, worrying , changing, stayed, buying, dried, picnicking, scared, driving, obeyed, playing, tried, carried, hurrying

Vocabulary Words for 9/07

Relented- Someone who relented has agreed to something he or she once refused
Faze- If thing faze you, they bother or confuse you.
Eccentric- An eccentric person has habits or opinions that seem odd to other people
Infuriated- Something that infuriated you made you feel extremely angry
Disheartened- If you are disheartened, you feel disappointed and less hopeful
Impassable- A road or path that is impassable is impossible to travel on
Crusaded- A person who has crusaded has worked hard to make a change based on his or her beliefs

Spelling Words 8/30

Counter, fraud, oyster, appoint, drawn, awning ,laundry, feud, shawl, jewel, royalty, powder, annoying, cashew, scoop, bamboo, browse, ointment, rooster, rescue

Which sentence shows evidence of historical fiction?