Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thanks to Mrs. Ratliff and Mrs. Hicks

These two Ladies made my day today. I thank you for everything that you do!!!!!! Muah!!!!!

Wear Your XMas T-Shirts

I had a wonderful day today and hopefully I will have an even better day tomorrow!
Here is the agenda for tomorrow:
  • Science test 7:45-9:00 or when you get finished
  • 9-11:45 games and sing along. If anyone has a Christmas's CD, feel free to bring it.
  • You may bring you Ipods, DS players, games, and PG movies. No cell phones
  • Lauren and Taylor are bringing cupcakes and chips.
  • Andrew has the paper products and peanut butter balls
  • Drinks April and Thomas
  • Britney- party hats and cheese balls
  • Jasmine- cookies
  • Emily-cheese cubes and crackers
  • Taylor Davidson- gift bags
  • Do not worry about bringing any gifts
  • Study for your science test
  • Lets have fun tomorrow!

See Yall tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Updated Science Study Guide

Hi Parents and Students,
Please click on the link below to see the new study guide. I know this post is kind of late and I already gave you a hard copy today, but I had to make a few changes on the conversion formula.
Going from Fahrenheit to Celsius use this traditional formula C=(F-32) x 5/9
Going from Celsius to Fahrenheit use this traditional formula F=(C x 9/5) + 32
Because this is a slight change at last minute, I will count the two problems as bonus problems for if you get them incorrect, it will not count against you.

No homework

Hey Parents and Students,

There will be no homework tonight; however, please study your science study guide.
Lauren is our spelling Bee winner and Jasmine Pullins is our runner up! The spelling bee contest will be held here at our school on January 13, 2010.
T-shirts turned out nice. But, there were over 11 students who did not bring in their shirts. Thanks to Thomas's mother, Mickey! She brought two pack of XL t-shirts.
Xmas party is this Friday. The following people will be bringing in snacks:
  • Cameron Stewart and Saige Ratliff's parents agreed to go half on pizza
  • Mickey Hick- drink

We still need cupcakes, chips, and paper products

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Homework for 12/15

Students will have to make a synonym and antonym chart for your vocabulary words.
Math-NO homework
Science-Study you science guide. Mrs. Busch's class will have their science test tomorrow and my science class will have their test this Thursday.

Monday, December 14, 2009

New Science Study Guide Link

Homework for tonight 12-14

Math- PW 79
Language/Reading- page 84, 90 in your practice workbook
Science- Complete page 82-83 worksheet. Make sure you use your science textbook.
Science Exam will be this Wednesday, December 16.
Make sure that you are practicing converting from Celsius-Fahrenheit and visa verse.
I will post the science study guide tonight.

Today's Schedule

Parents and Students,
I have had many questions about the science study guide from last week. We will go over everything the students will need to know for the test tomorrow. Most of the concepts that the students need to study comes from chapter 15 and their AMSTI notebook. I will also post the study guide on the blog for tonight.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Math Projects

Take a look at some of our math projects!

Homework 12-10

Your homework for tonight is:
Reading textbook pages 360-371 and practice workbook page 80
Math-equivalent fraction sheet, some students did not bring in their projects today while some did not follow the directions of having 5 pictures for each. I understand that some may not have a printer. If that is the case, you should draw a picture.
Language Arts- LA89-90

If you would like to have a recipe in our Christmas Book, send on tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Math Poster

Forgot to remind you that your posters are due tomorrow. Remember, you are supposed to divide your poster into three columns and label them percents, decimals, and fractions. Find 5 pictures that illustrate each column. Hope to see some creative work :)

Hey Students!

There will be no homework for tonight. However, the students whose names I called out today that did not turn in their "Paul Bunyan" essay needs to turn in their work tomorrow.
Please make sure that you have the following items in by Friday:
  • White T-shirt
  • $5.00
  • Christmas Recipe
  • Study Spelling Bee words- you can go to for the full list
  • Fast Break Field Trip permission form
  • Let me know if your parent would like to volunteer to help out during our Christmas party next Friday.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

homework 12-08-09

Parents and Students,
Math homework is page 77-78 in the green practice workbook. Finish completing your multiplication chart. Your math project is due this Thursday. See previous post for information.
Science- Complete page 46 in the science workbook.
Reading page 81 in your practice workbook.

Don't forget to bring in your money for the Christmas party, your white t-shirt, and your Christmas recipe by this Friday. Party is on 12-18-09

Monday, December 7, 2009

Homework for 12-07

Dear Parents and Students here are a few things for tonight----

Math homework is page 315 problems 6-33 in your green Harcourt Math textbook.

Science Reading- In your Purple science textbook read pages F64-F68

Language/Reading- Do page 83 in your practice workbook.

We have moved into doing fractions this week. Students have to do a poster project that illustrates everyday uses of decimal, fraction, and percents. Take a look at the picture for a visual explanation.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Weekend Thoughts......

There will be no homework for the weekend. However, I would like for my students to participate in the National Missing Children's Day Poster Contest. Each year more than 1.3 children are reported missing. Law enforcement, citizens, and even children have been instrumental in keeping children safe and returning them home to their families, community and school. Every year the U.S. Department of Justice takes time to commemorate the valiant and unselfish acts of the many organizations and individuals who bring our missing children home.
Your child has an opportunity to take part in this memorable event.
There are three levels to which your child's poster will have to obtain in order to attend the Annual National Missing Children's Day Ceremony in Washington, D.C.--local level (in class), State level, and the National level. I will be sending home a packet with further information. The poster is due by January 7, 2010.

Spelling and Vocabulary words are posted to the right. Take advantage and study ahead of time.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Homework for 12/3

Science Homework- Read Pages F88-F91 and draw a picture that illustrates radiation, conduction, and convection thermal energy transfer.
Math- Page 69 in your Investigation notebook. You will have a unit quiz tomorrow on multiplication and division.
Language Arts-Complete the front and back side of your grammar sheet with your spelling words on one side and Irregular nouns on the other side.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Look What We did Today!

We have learned a great deal about Thermometers and how they work. The students enjoyed using the heating lamps to document/record the increasing changes in the temperature of water with lids on and off. Students discovered that the temperature of the water decreased more slowly that the water in the uncovered dishes.

Homework for 12-01

Hi Parents and Students,
The homework for tonight is:
Math Investigation workbook pages 61-62
Language/Reading is PWB page 74
Read pages 330-331 in reading textbook and make a crossword puzzle for your vocabulary words.
Science- read pages F78-82 and copy down the bold vocabulary words and right down your understandings of Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin. Think about how each unit of temperature measurement is different from one another.
Make sure you bring in your Christmas recipe tomorrow. You have until this Friday.
Yearbook deadline has been moved to 12-11-09

Recipes and Stuff

There were only five students who turned in Christmas recipes. Please make sure to have your recipes in by this Friday.
Year book orders are due this Friday also. If you are interested in ordering a yearbook, please send $30.00 by this Friday.
We are going to build our solar house this month. Can't wait to finally use all of those paper towel/toilet paper rolls.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Homework and Stuff!

Welcome back students! I hope you had a wonderful Turkey Week!

Homework for tonight
Reading/Language Arts-Practice workbook page 73 and 76
Math-Investigations page 57-58. We will start on page 57 in class and the students will have to finish the rest for homework. This homework involves building multiple towers, which is a review from our previous lessons.
Writing prompt for the week is - Paul Bunyan is an extraordinary character. Think about what you have read about him. Then write a descriptive essay that describes his traits and abilities. Make sure that your grammar and spelling are correct. Would like to see three organized paragraphs and colorful, descriptive visual words.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a great time today watching the movie "Squanto", eating lunch in the classroom, and playing games. But, what topped my day off so beautifully is when I found a Thank You letter from one of my students, Emily! Thank you sweetie and I really appreciate it! To all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
P.S.- Make sure you check out the blog throughout the week for daily updates on my family's trip to New Jersey.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Christmas is coming!


Christmas is right around the corner, and we need a Christmas tree! If you have an extra tree at home and would like to let us borrow it, I would be truly appreciative.
I also plan on having the students do a cool project for Christmas that involves giving you a Christmas gift. This plan is still in the making so I will give you an update about this.
If you plan on giving me something for Christmas (sorry that I am assuming that you are going to get me something, but this has been my experience from the past) please buy our classroom some board games. We are in desperate need of them. I would appreciate this gift just the same as any other. I will be sending out a newsletter in the beginning of December outlining our activities for the month. Be safe and have a good evening.
Thanks for all you do.

Go Turkey!

Yesterday, the students colored pictures of a turkey. I asked them to use their imagination, and they went for it! Go students!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Few Thoughts

Can't wait to see the movies tomorrow. We should be leaving around 8:45 and our expected return is 12:00. Students may bring money to buy extra snacks.

Math homework is pwb page 51
Students, please read your library books tonight and be ready to take A.R. test tomorrow after lunch.

Don't forget to bring some candy corns and pumking corns (I think that's what they are called). :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

A Few Things!

Dear Parents and Students,
Our 5th grade play will be tomorrow at 6:00pm. We will meet in my classroom.
If you are in the play, please practice your singing parts and moves for the play tomorrow.
Math Homework- Math green textbook pages 207: 1-24/ 208: 1-4/ 209: 5-25,27

Please copy down the vocabulary/spelling words for this week on the right side.

Sorry about the progress reports. Computers' STI software was down last Friday and today. Hopefully, it will be up and running tomorrow.
Don't forget to send in yearbook money.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

This Is How Many 25's Make My Height

The students did a great job in building their multiple towers of 35. Take a look! They even built a multiple tower of 25 to make my Height (8,075 WOW!). Guess how many 25's make my height? Keep in mind that I am 6 feet tall!
Homework for tonight!
Math- Investigations notebook page 54
Science- Answer this question- What is the difference between a comet and an asteroid?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Class Questions

The class holds the belief that men have more ribs than women. According to recent research, both me and women have 12 pairs of ribs. Thanks Nick for clarifying that for us. :)

Math Homework 11/10

Math Students will have to create a multiple tower of 35 using the copy paper that was given to them at the end of class. This tower must be the height of the student. Make sure you use tape to tape your pieces of paper together. This should be fun for our short break. See you on Thursday.
There is no homework for any other subject.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Whats going on in Math!


Students learned how to illustrate division problems using pictures and cubes.

Homework 11/9

Math- Students will choose a number to build a multiple tower. For example, if they choose 4, then they will write the number 4 on the bottom of their page and write all the multiples of 4 until they get to the top of the page.

Language/Reading- write one sentence for each vocabulary word. The words are located in the left column.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Outstanding Projects!

I just have to say that I was really impressed with all of the students' projects that were turned in last Friday. Parents, you did an outstanding job in helping your child's project to become a work of art. What I liked most about the projects is that each and every one of them posed their own unique style for illustrating the body system. I will post pictures of the projects after school today so that you may take a look at everyone beautiful work of art.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Few Thoughts

The fifth grade classes will be going on a field trip on Thursday, November 19 to Hollywood 16 to see a showing of "A Christmas Carol!" The movie is rated PG for scary sequences and images. The cost per child is $15.00, which includes the bus, movie tickets, popcorn, and a soda. Due to limited space, parents will not be able to join us. Please return your attached permission form and money by Friday, November 13.
Internal Organ Play
The fifth grade team is asking for the students to come to the play dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans. Please have your child here at the school in their homeroom by 6 P.M. on Tuesday, November 17th, the night of our performance. Thanks.
The yearbook cost $30.00 each and is due by November 20th. If you would like to have a personal ad, a full page cost $150.00, 1/2 page $75.00, and a 1/4 page cost $45.00. We will take buddy ad photos at the school on December 11th. Yearbook purchase forms will be sent home tomorrow.
Thanks Giving Lunch
You are invited to eat with your child on Wednesday, November 9th. Visitors' lunch will cost $3.25. Our class will be eating from 12.00-12:25. A form has already been sent home. Please return it by Friday, November 13th.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Grading Criteria for Science Projects

Hello Students,
Make sure you take a look at how I will be grading your science reports and projects. Note: SO that you will have enough time to put the finishing touches on your project and report, I will not assign homework for Thursday night. :)
Science Project Presentation
Point of interests
Possible pts
Points earned
Clear Speaking
Knowledge of the Human system Studied
Answering two questions from the audience
Science Human body system Project Rubric
Point of interest
Possible pts
Total pts.



Science Human System Report Rubric
1 or more pages
Front Cover
With indentations
Spelling, word usage, sentence variety.
Total Points
You have earned


What's Happening?

Hey Parents and Students,

Please remember that our science project is due this Friday. Some students have already brought their project in early. Take a look at how Cameron Simon illustrated the Endocrine System by using pipe cleaners, play dough for the kidneys, cotton for the pancreas, and a plastic brain for the pineal, hypothalamus, and pituitary glands.
Lauren Beatty represented the Circulatory system (named Bob) by using Christmas Tree Lights. WOW! When we light it up, you can distinctly see the color blue for the veins and the red for the arteries.

Both projects are AWESOME! Excellent Work, students. :) I am very proud of you!

Monday, November 2, 2009

This week's writing prompt due 11/9

Students will have to write an expository essay that compares and contrast the work of a marine biologist to another profession such as a teacher, bus driver, lawyer, etc.

I would like for students to present their essay in three to five paragraphs using indentations and transitional words such as similar, therefore, however, first, next, final, although, etc. You will have to make a venn diagram that visually compares and contrast your two thoughts. Please use the example of the venn diagram featured on this post for an idea. The information comparing the British market to the German market are just titles that show you how to set it up. Please be neat, make sure that your essay's ideas flow, use those everyday daily oral language skills that we practice for I will deduct points off for repeated mistakes.

Homework for tonight

Math Investigation workbook page 47
Language/Reading- Practice workbook pages 69, 72
Don't forget that the science project is due this Friday! Make sure that you are already working on your project. Please don't let time catch up with you.

Dr. Moore Pays a Visit!

Hello Parents,

My very own personal friend, Dr. Moore, came to visit our class last Friday. She taught the students how to become true detectives of medical problems through first analyzing the patients' chief complaints. Next, the medical detective asked a series of questions about the patients' medical history. She states that this is really important when trying to figure out if this is an existing problem or if this problem is a result of the patients' life style. Finally, the doctor writes a list of possible illnesses that the patient could be suffering from. Because she is a family doctor, she can refer her patients to other specialist to further the investigation by using their specialized tools. Dr. Moore and all the other specialist are a team of detectives that work together to solve a medical problem

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Spelling test for Tomorrow

Some of the students are saying that they do not have the spelling words for tomorrow's test. Here they are:
enemy, balance, basis, closet, decent, define, eleven, fanatic, honest, humor, minute, model, protest, ocean, pretend, private, radar, second, slogan, and editor.

Their math homework for tonight is worksheet page 12. Some students work out long division problems differently than the way I am teaching it. It really doesn't matter how your child finds the answer as long as they get the correct answer. :)

Your child should have brought home their reading textbook to reread the story for this week. We will be having our weekly reading comprehension test tomorrow.

My friend, Dr. Moore, will be coming to speak to the students tomorrow at 1:00 P.M. about the human body.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

One More Thing!

Our Englewood Pumpkin Contest will be this Friday. Please bring your pumpkin to the stage in the lunchroom by 8:15 A.M.
You may inter your pumpkin into one of the following 3 categories
  • Carved Jack -O-Lanterns
  • Painted Pumpkin
  • Decorated Pumpkin

Each category will have a winner in the following: Funniest, Scariest, Most Creative, Most Unusual,, Best Book Character, Best Resemblance to a person, and Honorable mentions are often included. If you have not gotten your pumpkin entry form (Orange Paper) pick one up tomorrow.

Be sure to register for Get as many pledges as possible.

Dress up in your worst clothes tomorrow.

Due to my friend, Dr. Stacy Moore's visit to our class on Friday, we will have our science test on plant and animal cells next Monday, November 2.

Final Post for tonight

Please read the bottom newsletter. I handed this out on hard copy this past Monday, but I don't think a lot of students took them home. You will see this week's spelling and vocabulary words for Friday's tests. I forgot to tell the students that I will not be here tomorrow morning due to one more AMSTI training session. I will be back by noon. Be on your best behavior.

Some more info

Mrs. Brown’s Newsletter- October 26, 2009
Upcoming Events
Hi, parents! We are moving through this year pretty quickly. The following is a list of upcoming events: 1. Science project is due November 6th. If your child has not started yet, please begin this week. 2. Essay for describing a place you would like to visit is due Monday, November 1. 3. This is red ribbon week. We are learning to become more aware of the negative affects of drugs on our bodies and our lives.
We will be reading “Voyage into the Past” by Ann Collins. For language arts we will be identifying common and proper nouns. Spelling words are on page 65 in the practice workbook and vocabulary words are on page 61 in PWB. Vocabulary definitions are: Inflammable- something that is inflammable can catch fire easily and burns rapidly. Dignified- to act in a dignified way means to behave in a calm, serious, and respectful manner. Rowdy- People who are rowdy are noisy, rough, and out of control. Seldom- if something is seldom happens it hardly ever happens. Conducted- a person who has conducted an activity has led it and guided it. Shatter- when something shatters, they break suddenly and violently into small pieces. Broached- a ship that has broached has veered onto its side and is in danger of sinking.
We are going to continue our study of the human body. The next test coming up will be on October 29th on animal and plant cells. Your child will have a study guide by tomorrow.
Are you blogging?
It has benefited both students an parents to view the blog for nightly homework assignments and events. This website is a tool that is also used for the students to vote on polls relevant to current themes in our classroom. Please visit the blog nightly at
Green Theme
Thank you for all of the paper towel and toilet paper rolls. I think that we are running out of room to store everything. If you have a large plastic tub that I can temporary borrow, please send it ASAP!
I have sent home a behavior modification letter. Please read, sign and return. I will keep this on file.
I understand that a lot of you are stretch to the core with money given our current economic standings. But, if you have any extra monies to go towards buying snacks for those students who are unfortunate, please do so. Thanks.
Being Prepared
Several students come to class unprepared. Your child should be ready to learn with two or more pencils and paper. Please encourage your child to bring what they need.
Reading Averages
After taking our STAR test for the second 9 weeks, there were thirteen students whose reading ranges dropped from the first 9 weeks. Please encourage your child to read, read, read.

Because our story for this week "Sailing Home" focuses on sea navigation, we created man made sextants. Although our sextants are not as elaborate as the real sextants sailors use, it can help use identify our latitude here on earth.

Homework 10-28

Technically there is no homework for tonight. I just would like for the students to locate the North Star (Polaris) with their sextants that we made in class today to identify their latitudinal location her on earth. To find the North Star, all you would have to do is find the little dipper's handle, which is not too far from the tip of the Big Dipper. Please use the picture above to help you. Hopefully, it is not too cloudy.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Homework 10-27

Math- students will have to write 40 divided by 1-20. Make sure you write the remainders.
Language Arts- PWB page 52
Study for Animal and Plant Cells test using your interactive study guide.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Reading- read story on page 278
Do pages 61 and 66 in your practice workbook
Math- page 52 in your investigations workbook.
Read for 20-30 minutes tonight.
See if you can find the north star tonight

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

homework for 10/21

Math- Practice workbook page- pw12
Language Arts- LA64
Students will have to find out what does the A.M. and P.M. stand for in time. For example, 10:30 P.M. or 10:30 A.M.

Parents, due to the new "techno age" that our children are growing up in, I have discovered that many of the students do not know how to tell time on an analog clock. This could also be attributed to many homes having digital clocks on microwaves, stoves, television cable boxes and cellular phones. However, this skill should have been acquired sometime between third and fourth grade. Please work with your child on this matter.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Hey Class! Here is the homework for today!
Math- Worksheet page 6
Reading - The Secret Ingredient p. 252
Language Arts - Worksheet LA63 - Circle the subject and underline the predicate.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Report cards went home today along with the students' grades from their D.O.L., spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension tests. Several students struggled with today's spelling words. Please encourage your child to practice those words that may be unfamiliar to them.
Make sure that you sign the back of your child's report card folder and return on Monday.

PTO play- I sent a letter home today about our PTO play, which will be on the 17th of November. If you would not like your child to participate in the play, please send the letter back indicating such.
Fawn Trip- The Fawn trip will be on Tuesday 20th. We will be leaving the school at 8:15. Parents are welcome to go on this trip, but you will need to drive. Everyone needs to bring a sack lunch. Students may not bring electronic devices, but they may bring cameras and bottled water to carry with them. They may also bring towels to sit on for picnic style lunch. For a little more fun after lunch, they may bring footballs, soccer balls, jump ropes or Frisbees.
Due to AMSTI training on the day of the trip, I will not be attending. :(

Endocrine System Quiz- There were a lot of low grades on the skeleton quiz last week due to students not studying. I gave each student a study guide for the quiz, which is on 10/21. Please encourage your child to study over the weekend. I will post anther video of the endocrine system after this post.

Spelling and Vocabulary words will be posted this weekend.
Red Ribbon Week- is next week. Mrs. Bassett is allowing students to wear their 50's-60's outfits on Friday.

Descriptive essay for "Write about someone who inspires you" is due this Monday.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Homework for the week of 10/12- Make sure you read

Hello Parents and Students,

I'm on the "ball" for this week in getting your homework for the whole week posted on the blog.
Monday's Homework-
Reading: Read "Leonardo's Horse" page 231 and complete page 49 in your new practice workbook (pwb).
Language Arts: Writing prompt for this week and due Monday, October 19- "Write a descriptive essay about someone who you really admire." I will be grading for all of the seven traits of writing.
Math: Page 42 in Investigations Workbook
Science: Study the skeleton system and watch the video again, which is a few scrolls down.
Also, study the Endocrine system for there will be a quiz this Friday.
Tuesday's Homework-
Reading: pwb page 48
Language Arts: pwb page 52
Math: Page 44 in Investigations Workbook
Thursday's Homework-
Reading: Reread "Leonardo's Horse" to prepare you for tomorrow's comprehension test.
Language Arts: LA59
Math: Page 45 in Investigations Workbook
Make sure that you are studying for your spelling and vocabulary test each week.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Science Study guide- Quiz 10-13

You will need to know where the tibia, fibula, collarbone, hip, skull, femur, humerus, radius, ribcage, shoulder blade, sternum, ulna, spine and jawbone are located. Please watch the video below for a quick demonstration.

Homework 10/13

Math- pages 32,35

Language Arts- LA53, Underline prepositional phrase, place a comma in the sentence if need, and circle the noun.

Science watch the "Indocrine System" Video.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Extra Stuff

Forgot to tell you on the last post!

We will be having a guess speaker (Andrew Simmons' father) on Wednesday @ 12:45. He will be discussing his experiences being a National Coast Guard. Please ask you child to put on their best behavior.

ESSAYS: I have received only half of the classes' essays for "Family Traditions" last week. Essays are meant to prepare your child for the writing standardized test on February 18, 2010.
As the essays count for a language art grade, please have your child work on their drafts throughout the week to keep up their averages.

I have a friend by the name of Dr. Karen Stacy Gardner Moore, who owns her own family medical practice in Northport. She is planning to make a visit to our classroom to talk about the human body system. I will give you further information as the date draws near for her arrival.

Math Again! Depending on the results of the math test, I may postpone moving on to division this week.


Hello Parents,

My math students will be having a test on multiplication combinations and factors. Here is a copy of the test Chapter Test:

Name:_____________________________ Date_________________________________
Directions: for problems 1-5 write all the factors of each number.
1. 12__________________________
2. 36__________________________
3. 18__________________________
4. 30__________________________
5. 21__________________________
Directions: Find the factors for each set of numbers. (remember that you can use one number to find the first set of factors for a larger number)
6. Set A: 18________________________________________
7. Set B: 15________________________________________
8. Set C: 10_______________________________________
Bonus: What are all the factors of 1,000?

The students will have a bonus at the end. This bonus will not count against them.

Reading homework- read any type of written print. Reading logs are due this Thursday. Most of the students' reading logs are located in their yellow folder. A.R. deadline has been moved to this Thursday. The book fair end tomorrow October 6. If you still would like to purchase something, please stop by during school hours.

Language Arts- Page LA- 52. Students will have to circle noun and underline the prepositional phrase.

Spelling and Vocabulary words are posted on the panel to the right.

Since we have a short week, please encourage your child to study for Thursday's test.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Homework 9-10

Hi Students and Parents,

The following will be homework for tonight: pw page 34 in green workbook. Today we will be writing multiplication combinations using rectangles and squares. Students will have to draw three shapes and divide them two ways and write a new multiplication combination for the divided parts. This will be a fun activity for the students because they will use their markers and color pencils to make their shapes on large pieces of sketch paper.

Language Arts; Student will have to do page LA45 and sort the spelling words into their proper categories.

Continue to work on your descriptive essay on "Family Traditions", which is due Monday.

We are having our weekly tests tomorrow on Spelling, D.O.L., Language Arts, and Vocabulary test.

I will be sending home a field trip form for our "Fawn Trip." This is a free trip.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Some thoughts

There is no math homework tonight. We will be having a comprehensive test on factors and multiplication combinations on Monday, October 5th. Following that test, we will be having a quiz on 2 digit multiplication on Tuesday, October 6th. If all the students can score above an 80 percent, I will give them a cup cake party!

Next week we will be heading into division. It is important for the students to maintain their multiplication skills. To facilitate this effort, I am allowing the students to take home 2 digit multiplication practice sheets. Please encourage your child to practice this skill until they reach mastery.

Language Arts- we are studying run on sentences, comma splices, simple and compound sentences. The students learned that you need a comma and a conjunction to form a compound sentence. Here are some examples of conjunctions:
but, for, as, and, or, while, after, because, while, and although.
Compound sentence: John wanted to wear his jacket, but his mother said no.
Simple sentence: John wanted to wear his jacket.
Comma splice: John wanted to wear his jacket, his mother said no.
Run on: John wanted to wear his jacket his mother said no.

We will be having a language arts test on these concepts this Friday. Please review.

The grades for the science test are in. Unfortunately, I am not proud of the results. Most of the students in block 1 did not do as well. On the contrary, most of my students in block 2 did pretty well. I attribute the results to lack of studying. The study guide has been posted on the blog since last Saturday night, and the students have all of their notes in their AMSTI notebook. Please encourage your child to study for major science tests.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thank You!


Thank you for all the cards and birthday gifts that you have given me! You have made me feel so special when I needed it most! I love all of you very much.

P.S. Make sure you study for your science test.

Homework 9/29

Math- 21-22

Language Arts- La 47- label each sentence.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Strange but Needed Request

Do you know where I could purchase a "Slim Goodbody" suit or costume? I would really like to have one for our upcoming "Human Body System" science theme in the next few weeks.

Also, if you know of anyone who works for Mercedes or any other large factory and would like to talk to the students about decreasing the "Carbon Footprint", please let me know! Thanks!

Cans n Stuff...

Ok Parents and Students,

All this week we are supposed to collect canned food for our "Food Drive." Be sure to bring in the metal so we can win our pizza party for next week.

I know that we are asking for a lot, but we also need each student to bring in one bag of candy for our Fall Festival next week, box tops, snacks for the class, and one box of band aids.
Lauren and Justin have already brought in snacks for the students who are less fortunate to have daily snacks. Thanks students.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dead Sea Video

You are to listen to this five minute video and answer 5 questions in computer lab.

Science Study Guide for Wednesday's Test

Hi Students and Parents! Here is the science study guide for our test on Wednesday!
  • Know that the pH scale was invented by a Danish biochemist named Soren Sorensenin in 1909.
  • The pH is the value of a liquid's acidity or basicity (Alkalinity)
  • The more Hydroxide Ions (OH-) the more acidic the solution. The less (OH-) the less acidic the solutions is.
  • The more Hydrogen Ions (H+) the more base or Alkaline a solutions is, and the less (H+) ions the less base or alkaline a solution is.
  • pH stands for Pouvoir Hydrogene, which means Hydrogen Power.
  • The pH scale ranges from 0-14. Less than 7 is acidic, and the lower the number the more acidic the solutions is.
  • Greater than 7 is base or alkaline. The higher the number, the more base is the solution.
  • 7 is neutral. Our drinking water is neutral
  • Using the pH testing strips, we know the yellow and orange means the solution is acidic.
  • green is neutral
  • dark green-blue-purple is base
  • Remember what we tested. Milk, tums, baking soda, salt water and saliva are base solutions
  • Lemon juice, grape soda, vinegar, fertilizers and acid rain are acidic
  • Remember the video we watch on pollution? Carbon Monoxide is a by product from factories and automobiles. This harmful gas releases Sulfur and Nitrogen in the Atmosphere. When mixed with water vapor, Sulfur becomes Sulfuric Acid and Nitrogen becomes Nitric Acid. When it rains, we get Acid Rain.
  • Remember that road salt, acid rain, and fertilizer can destroy the pH balance in an ecosystem, killing animals.
  • Study the pH picture for and extra credit question.


Friday, September 25, 2009

Hi Parents,

There will be no homework for this weekend. Please remember to bring in canned food for the food drive starting next week. Oh! Don't forget the box tops!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Homework- 9/124

Math- page 14 in investigations workbook

Reading- Practice workbook sheet page-31 and 33. This will be on the front and back.

Writing- Students will need to work on their writing drafts for their descriptive essay. I will be grading on word choice and conventions. Due next Friday.

Book Fair lunch invitations are due tomorrow.

Green Theme packet is due tomorrow

Study for vocabulary, D.O.L, and spelling test.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

More Stuff

Hello Parents,

There will be no homeowork tonight. However, I have given the students a new writing prompt to write a descriptive essay. This essay is due next Friday, October 2nd. I will be grading on word choice (the proper use of adjectives and adverbs) and conventions (which are proper use of puncuations, spelling, capitialzation, and sentence structure.

-I will be sending home a volunteer form for our Scholastic Book Fair. If you would like to volunteer your time between the hours of 8-2, please fill out the bottom portion of the letter and return it.

-I will also be sending home a letter asking for donations for our Fall Festival. The list includes cakes, small gifts, helping to provide E-Z tents and much more. There is a complete list of items that will be on the form sent home today.

Updates and Deadlines

Hi Parents,

I recently sent out a form inviting you to have lunch with our class and to shop at our Scholastic Book Fair on October 2nd. In order for this to go as smoothly as possible, our lunch staff needs to know how many parents will be attending. This form is due by Friday, October 25. If you did not receive a form and would like to come, please either send a note or post a comment at the bottom of this post. I hope that all of you will be able to make it because every year our Book Fair has some neat and cool books, games, and toys for the students to enjoy. However, if you are not able to make it, our Book Fair starts on Wednesday, September 30 and ends Tuesday, October 6th. You may come at anytime during school hours to purchase items for your child.

The "Canned Food Drive" starts Monday, September 28th and ends on Friday, October 2. The class from each grade level who brings in the most cans will have a Pizza Party! So, when your out grocery shopping, please pick up a couple of extra 0.50 cent cans and send it to school. Thanks in advance.

There will be no school on Friday, October 9.

A.R. deadline is Monday, October 5. If your child is not at least half way in meeting his/her goal, please encourage them to read and take test.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hello Everyone

Tonight's homework is as follows:

-Math page 10 in practice workbook

-Reading page 34 on practice workbook sheet.

Our Investigation Math workbooks arrived today and not every student received one. Please send $15.00 in for your child's workbook as soon as possible.

Send in the paper towel rolls as you are finished using them :).

Send in box tops daily.

Thanks to Lauren Beatty and Britney Jelks' parents for sending in snacks and stuff for our treasure box.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Science quiz for tomorrow


The following is a guide that will help you study for tomorrow's science quiz.
-female mosquito fish eat their babies.
-baby mosquito fish are called fry
-lateral line helps fish detect change in pressure
-gastropod meas "stomach food"
-snails need calcium to make their own food
-snails are scavengers
-crickets can jump up to 2 feet high
-crickets have 2 pair of legs
-crickets have 3 main body parts- head, thorax, and abdomen
-female mosquito are live bearers
-the cerci protect the crickets abdomen
-crickets use their ovipositor to lay their eggs
-a nymph is a baby cricket
-pill bugs have exoskeletons
-in order for a pill but to grow it must molt
-after first molt, it will have 7 pair of legs
-pill bugs need moisture all the time
-they breathe through gills
-they lay up to 200 eggs from their brood pouch
-Entomologist is an insect expert

Make sure that you know all the body parts of each animal.

Spelling- Write spelling words twice

Friday, September 18, 2009


Dear Parents and Students,

We had a great day learning about our four different types of animals in our Ecocolumns. We learned that pill bugs have special organs similar to their aquatic relatives that helps them breathe in H2O. This little fact stirred up a debate that questions whether pill bugs have gills or lungs. Throughout this weekend, try to do some research to figure out the truth behind how our pill bugs breathe.

I will be posting the new spelling and vocabulary words by Saturday morning. So look out for them.

Our play went really well. All of the students did a superb job in reading with expression and using accurate props for the play. Our next play will be in four more weeks.

Please continue to bring in paper towel rolls.

Sell those raffle tickets, and don't forget to bring in box tops, and canned food for our food drive that will be taking place next week.

Everyone have a good weekend.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


I will be out today. The substitute, Mrs. Osborne, was instructed to get homework today for math, reading, and language arts.
Make sure you study for your spelling, D.O.L, vocabulary, and language arts test.
Green theme packet is due tomorrow.
Our first inclass play is tomorrow. Those students who have a part in the play, make sure you study your lines, and practice reading with expression.

The Camp Cosby trip has been canceled due to lack of students attending the trip. We will have other fifth grade field trips coming up soon.

Parents, please remember to send in the parent conference sheet if you would like to meet with me. Also, don't forget the paper towel rolls. We are collecting them at a slow rate and would like to get our log cabin built by early December.
Last but not least, don't forget to bring in snacks for snack time, and/or "stuff" for our treasure box.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Homework for tonight 9/15

Hello Parents and Students,

Here is your homework as follows: Math- Using your 300's chart, shade all square #'s red and all prime numbers blue. Leave composite numbers white.

Language Arts- LA26. Circle simple predicate and underline complete predicate for the first set of sentences. Also do page page 29

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Little Bit of This and a Little Bit of That.

Hello Parents,

Here are a few things that you need to know:

-Camp Cosby: Dates of the trip are October 5th-6th. The cost is $95.00 for each person going on the trip. Parents are allowed to drive on the bus, and if they choose to ride in their own vehicle, the cost will still be $95.00. Money is due by September 25th. If you cannot pay the full amount now, please send in a $50.00 deposit. Groups will be assign once all the money and permission forms are sent in. Cabins hold from 12-16 people, and once we have all the money turned in, then we will divide the groups and send detailed information to those who are only going on the trip. So far, the following teachers will be attending: Mr. Dent, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Collins, and Mrs. Busch.
The activities include, canoe, animal adaptations, aquatic organisms search, and "Ways of Old Days" simulation (this is like living in the pioneer days). We will also have campfire time at night. Bring money for the souvenir/snack shop. The camp will supply three meals. You may visit the Camp Cosby website at

Parents, please send in snacks for the students if you can afford it. There are some students who are not a fortunate to bring snacks on a daily basis.
You can get a 30 pack of animal crackers from Sam's for only $12.00.
United Way...
It's that time of the year for Englewood to collect donations. If you are interested, please send you child with money. There are students in the front lobby collecting donation money.
Treasure Box
Items for our treasure box encourages our students to do well throughout the day; however, we are running out of items. If you may, please send in small items such as pencils, snacks, and little nicknack's of the sort.
Please continue to encourage your child to be on his/her best behavior in school.
Professional Development
I will be out on Thursday for a professional development course.

Homework 9-14

Homework for tonight-
On your 100's chart, shade all the prime numbers blue and composite numbers yellow.
Circle all of the square numbers.
Language Arts
Vocabulary sheet page 23

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Homework- 9/10

Math- two digit multiplication sheet and practice workbook page 72
Language Arts- Students will make crossword puzzles using their spelling words.
Make sure that you are studying your vocabulary definitions and your spelling words for our test tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Homework for Tonight 9/8

Hello students,

Here is the homework for tonight- Spelling LA25 sheet, Language Arts complete/simple subject/predicate sheet, Math page 286 set A-B even numbers only and 287 only vocabulary section.

Monday, September 7, 2009


We have finally completed building our Aquariums. The animals that we added to the aquariums were snails and mosquito fish; and we added isopods and crickets to the terrariums. The students were very attentive and showed a lot of patients when trying to add the crickets to the terrariums without escaping.
After the additions, each group collaborated with each other to write down as many observations as they could within a 20 minuted time frame.
Hello Parents & Students,

I hope that you are enjoying your Labor Day weekend! My family and I have just returned from Dublin, Georgia where our extended family lives. Now that the time is winding down to start our four day school week, it's time for us to finish September strong.
"Let's Go Green"

Mrs. Bassett has asked every teacher to come up with a "Green Project" for the school year. This project is intended for our school to participate in a global effort to reduce the amount of waste that we contribute to our landfills. As a class we have chosen "It's Time to Make Up for the past.... Now let's ROLL into the Future" as our classroom's slogan. Also, to connect to this slogan we have decided to collect paper towel rolls as our item of choice to recycle. So, each student should bring in empty paper towel rolls to class everyday until December.

Now here is the fun part. We are going to build a miniature log cabin out of paper towel rolls. Each student is supposed to create a drawing of a log cabin and supply detailed information about the dimensions and the amount of paper towel rolls they will need for this project. I am expecting for the students to put their best "foot" forward and be highly creative.
I will be sending home a newsletter for September that will have useful information about events happening for this month.
Camp Cosby Trip

I have had about thirteen students who have sent in a permission form for the Camp Cosby field trip. If you are planning to allow your child to go, please send in the form no later than September 28th. If you would like to attend, the cost will be the same. I would like for as many parent volunteers to attend this trip as there will be some teachers staying behind.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Homework for Tonight

Hello Parents and Students,

This is the homework for tonight-

Language Arts- create a crossword puzzle using the spelling words on the left panel.

Math- Practice workbook page 71

Science- finish biome flip chart.

Have a great evening!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Homework for Tonight 9/1

Hello Everyone!

I am so excited to be back to school! The students have shown how much they've missed me through doing their work while I was out. Give your child a pat on the back for all of their hard work.

Homework for tonight:
Language Arts: Write three declarative and three interrogative sentences using your vocabulary words for this week.
Math-Practice workbook page 69

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Hello Parents and Students,

I am very sadden that I have to take off this Monday 8/31. The students are expected to follow the substitute's orders and directions. Please see left panel for new spelling and vocabulary words for this week. If everything goes to plan, I will see you on Tuesday. Any comments or concerns, you may post a comment at the bottom of this post. Thank you and stay healthy.

Love, Mrs. Brown

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Absence

Hey Parents and Teachers,

I am so sorry that I had to be out today, but my youngest son, Micah, is sick! Although I am out, I hope that you have and will do your best. You know the rules and how to respect each other in and outside the classroom. Be sure to try to complete all the classroom assignments. Whatever is not finished, the substitute is suppose to instruct you to complete at home. Remember your nightly reading and to write down all the words that you come across that you are not familiar with. Finally, continue to study your spelling and vocabulary words. Love you much and see you tomorrow. :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Homework for Tonight 8/24

Hey Students and Parents,

Graded papers go home today. I try to encourage the students to record their grades in their binder to help them keep up with their weekly progress in the classroom.

Tonight's homework is as follows:

Language Arts- Practice workbook sheet- page 10-11. Next, in writing folder, write one imparative and one exclamatory sentence using two spelling words.
You may start with your writing prompt tonight, which you should have already written down. Here it is just in case you forgot- " Most people felt let out of a situation. Thinks about a time when either you were left out. How did you handle it" Make sure your paragraph is three to five sentences long.

Math - Because more than 60 percent of the class is struggling with factors, tonight's homework will be to find the factors of 100, 50, and 48.

Science- Page 11 in practice workbook. This homework is only for block 1. Because of an assembly, science block 2 was not able to finish science today.

We will be having a science quiz on eleven ecosystem terms. Please see the left panel for the study guide.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Weekly Test Update

Hi Parents,

I am so please to announce that everyone scored a 100% on their first vocabulary test. Great job parents for keeping up with your children. The format to which I administered the test may have helped several students. However, as the time goes on, the vocabulary words will become more difficult. But, if your child continues to study, they should continue to be successful. Thank you for your support.

Math Test

Parents, the math test on factors has been rescheduled for Monday 24th due to math assessment testing. Please encourage your child to continue to hone those mathematical skills that they have learn throughout this week.

Field Trip
The fifth grade is anticipating a field trip to Camp Cosby, which is and environmental center where students will get to engage in hands on science and social studies activities. The cost for this trip is $95.00 per person, which includes transportation, admission, lodging, and three meals. My team (Mrs. Evans, Marchant, Floyd, and Beverly) will be going October 6th and 7th.

Spelling and Vocabulary Words for Week of August 24th
Please look to the left panel for these words.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hi Parents,

Don't forget that we are having our first weekly test tomorrow on spelling and vocabulary words and D.O.L. You may look to the left of the screen to see the spelling and vocabulary words.


Students are to complete the language arts sheet on both sides. We reviewed declarative, complete, and interrogative sentences yesterday and today. So, the students should have reached mastery with this language concept.

We have worked on writing skills this week. I plan to have the students write several narratives by the end of next week. We are focusing on the 7 traits of writing which are: sentence fluency, ideas, organization, word choice, conventions, voice and presentation.
Students have to find all the factors of 6, 15, 30, 60, 45. Factor test tomorrow. Be ready.

If you have any questions, feel free to email, write or just click on the comment icon down below.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Building Our Terrariums

Hello Parents,

Today was the start of building our terrariums. Weew! Although it took over and hour, we got the job done. First, we took a short field trip to collect materials such as dirt, rocks, sticks, and leaf matter for the terrarium. Second, we poured gravel and soil into our bottles and rubber band a plastic screen on the opening to catch the gravel and soil. Next, we divided and labeled our "land" into four parts- "alphalpha" "grass" "mustard" and "twigs/leaves." Finally, each group received a small cup of each seed to plant in each part of their terrarium.
Now their terrariums are placed in the window sill to absorb sunlight. Ask your child what they learned today. Stay tuned for more updates. Have a great night!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Icecream In a Bag!

Yes, it's true! Together we made ice-cream in a bag today, and it was surely fun and delicious! This experiment teaches us that the temperature of ice can drop below freezing point when mixed with salt. Thus, allowing our milk mixture to freeze. Although it was a messy job, someone had to teach and learn this physical change. I am sure glad that I was able to teach your child.

Now, starting Monday we will begin our "Ecosystems/biomes" unit. This is also really fun because the students are going to learn about the different types of biomes (an area where living and nonliving animals interact with each other, and this interaction causes changes in the environment) from all over the world.

Speaking of biomes, according to the definition of a biome, are there any biomes in outer space?
Humm..... Let's take a vote. Look in the left column to cast your vote...see you on Monday

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Great First Day!

Hello Parents,

The students and I had a great time getting to know each other today through activies and interesting conversations. Learning how each student is individually unique, and how it takes people from different backgrounds to create a productive classroom environment, your child is headed toward a successful year in my classroom.

I plan to send home grades every Monday and newsletters on a monthly basis. Moreover, you may view the blog at your convenience as I plan to update it daily with information regarding current themes and last minute thoughts.

I will also use this blog as an avenue to post vocabulary and spelling words, and short writing responses throughout the school year.

Please use this blog as a tool to stay informed.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Hey Students,

I am so excited about this upcoming year! I hope that your summer has been filled with wonders and joy. Come to class with the expectation of learning all that you can during this academic year because our theme is "Reach For The Stars." If you bring your working minds and your positive attitudes, I guarantee that you will have a productive and learned-filled school year.

Vocabulary Words 9/28

Vocabulary Words 9/27
Fret- When you fret about something, you keep thinking and worrying about it.

Assured- If someone assured you of something, her or she has said words to make you feel postive that things will be all right.

Nudged- If you nudged a person or thing, you pushed it or poked it gently.

Outlandish- If something is outlandish, it is bizzare, strange, and unusual.

Ruckus- To raise a ruckus is to make a lot of noise and fuss about something.

Proclaimed- If you have announced something to a group of people, you have proclaimed it.

Spelling Words 9/28

Spelling Words 9/27
suppose, hurricane, ballad, bellow, success, appeal, announcer, tissue, excellent, terrific, collect, slippery, common, arrange, suffer, follow, kennel, squirrel, message, and summary

Spelling Words 9/21


Vocabulary Words 9/21

Wistful- You are wistful if you feel as though your wishes probably won't come true.

Grateful- To be grateful is to feel thankful for someone or something

Grim- If something looks grim, it appears serious and forbidding.

Raspy- A raspy noise sounds rough and harsh, like sandpaper scraping wood.

Swarmed- If animals have swarmed, they have moved quickly and gathered in large numbers.

Revelers- Revelers are people who are having fun at a lively party or celebration.

Irresistible- Something that is irresistible is difficult ot turn away from.

Spelling Words 9/07

Talked, hurried, smiling, dropped, clapping, stepped, worried, worrying , changing, stayed, buying, dried, picnicking, scared, driving, obeyed, playing, tried, carried, hurrying

Vocabulary Words for 9/07

Relented- Someone who relented has agreed to something he or she once refused
Faze- If thing faze you, they bother or confuse you.
Eccentric- An eccentric person has habits or opinions that seem odd to other people
Infuriated- Something that infuriated you made you feel extremely angry
Disheartened- If you are disheartened, you feel disappointed and less hopeful
Impassable- A road or path that is impassable is impossible to travel on
Crusaded- A person who has crusaded has worked hard to make a change based on his or her beliefs

Spelling Words 8/30

Counter, fraud, oyster, appoint, drawn, awning ,laundry, feud, shawl, jewel, royalty, powder, annoying, cashew, scoop, bamboo, browse, ointment, rooster, rescue

Which sentence shows evidence of historical fiction?